New Volunteer & Partnership Coordinator
From an email note dated 17 Oct 2020, from Pete Peterson, Supervisory Park Ranger:
Please join me in welcoming Tyson Kilbourn-Shear as the new Palisades District Volunteer & Partnership Coordinator. Tyson recently completed a 4 month detail in the position from April-August. He has worked at numerous national parks across the U.S. including the National Mall. I look forward to having Tyson...
C&O Canal Invites Public Comment on Plan for Paw Paw Tunnel Safety
The National Park Service invites public comment through July 25 on a proposal to improve visitor safety near the Paw Paw Tunnel Hollow in Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park. This section of the park has experienced rockfalls and landslides that present a safety hazard to park visitors. (more)
Christiana Hanson, New Chief of Interpretation
The National Park Service has announced the appointment of Christiana Hanson as the new Chief of Interpretation, Education, and Volunteer Operations for the C&O Canal National Historical Park… (more)
Hazardous Trees to be Removed in Swains Lock Area
Arborists will remove hazardous trees in the Swains Lock area of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park between April 21 and May 15. The park urges visitors to heed warning signs and barriers. Towpath users may experience brief delays between mileposts 14 and 20 during this work. (more)
New Superintendent Named for C&O Canal
Tina M. Cappetta, a park manager with 31 years of experience, has been named as the next superintendent of the C&O Canal National Historical Park. She begins the new assignment on January 21, 2020. (more)
Entrance Fees at Great Falls will Increase on January 1
The National Park Service has announced plans to increase entrance fees at Great Falls. The increase will affect per-vehicle, per-person, per-motorcycle, and the annual pass. (more)
Plans approved for new C&O Canal HQ
The National Park Service (NPS) has approved a plan to move the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park (C&O Canal) headquarters to the former Miller Lumber Company site in Williamsport, Md. Construction of the park headquarters will begin in 2020 and is projected to be completed in late 2021. (more)
Comment on Options to Improve Fletcher's Cove Parking
The National Park Service is considering options regarding changed parking at Fletcher’s Cove. You can comment on the proposals until December 13, 2019. (more)
C&O Canal Park Celebrates Geology
Potomac Almanac — "C&O National Historical Park celebrated the beginning of Earth Science Week with 'Autumn Rocks!' Sunday. The program offered Park visitors the opportunity to explore the 'geology and geography of the canal' as a kickoff program for Earth Science Week." (more)
Share Your Feedback on the Georgetown Canal Plan
The public has an opportunity to provide feedback on the Environmental Assessment of the Georgetown Canal Plan (more)
News of the Friends & the Canal

Photo © James W. Moore. Used by permission.
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